• Week 13
  • April 3'23

1. Timeline?

Week 13: Critiquing time table? Test printing Experimentation (Servo motor with ultrasonic sensor and capasitive sensing) Feedback (servomotor with extended wing and plastic) Heat gun with black plastic for artefact #2 Finish translating interview & sent to NGO for approval

2. Test printing

Test printing the interview publication

To add some color


    (1) Paper color

    I liked the personality that the yellow colored paper gives to the publication because it reminds me of old pamphlets we in Indonesia that were usually given out during seminar talks or gatherings. Its as if the interview was an actual abstract from a webinar. The colored images however didn't look to great with the yellow paper. So something I'd have to keep in mind if I still want to use this paper is that its probably going to be mainly text or b&w pictures.

    (2) Sourcing the paper itself

    Another issue would be sourcing enough paper for the test prints and final publication. I got these papers from studio so they were limited in quantity. I asked the person at the printer shop if he knew what the paper was called and where to get some more. He guessed that paper was called "munken polar."

    (3) Size of the publication

    Next is determining the exact size for the publication, which would change depending on whether the final plan is to just have all publications binded together or kept seperate. For this test print, I printed them in the same size of the publication inserts.

    3. Experimenting for artefact 3

    Motion as an output

    Artefact number 3 deals with using motion as an output. That means it will be using some sort of motor that trigger based on the output.

    ↘ Shy desk lamp ↘ Candy toucan ↘ Sensitive dog

  • 4. Feedback from Andreas

    During consultation, I talked about my timetable and things I aim to achieve by Viva Voce.

    I showed Andreas a diagram of all the things I wanted to achieve and the current progress on them. I felt that I was quite behind and needed to quickly catch up to a lot of work so I hoped that the consultation

    Graduation Project — Artefact #2

    I wasn't satisified with the packaging of the second artefact and decided to do it over.

    I had the idea to experiment with a heat gun to see its effects on the black plastic bag. Through these experiments, interesting patterns and textures emerges depending on how long the plastic is heated and the distance of the gun to the plastic.

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    Re-packaging Artefact #2

    Retouching the black plastic packaging

    I enjoyed the textures obtained from this experiment, and thus, decided to incorporate them into the second artifact. Having learned from my previous mistake, I ensured that the plastic was securely glued to the styrofoam, resulting in a neater appearance and clearer display of the texture