• Week 6
  • September 19'22

1. Formative Feedback Prep


Go through findings that we archive, Make a selection based on the most relevant ones, Organize them based on a category. Landing Page, Categories and list of curated findings. Can be books or case studies

Slide Deck

Summary of your project Introduce your topic Presentation on what you've been doing Mostly Images Link to Arena/cargo What did you learn, what was useful\thought process

  • 2. Continuing fan experiment!


    (1) Arduino Board (1) Electric Fan (1) Transistor (1) LED (1) Bread Board (2) Jumper Wires (1) Connecting Wire


    (1)Arduino IDE (2)Processing (3)RapidApi

    How it works

    (1) Find an online source that gives a free API key to use (2) Extract data with chosen language (3) Write sketch on Processing (4) Interface with API (5)Download data periodically (6) Parse? Data (7)Analyze data ( specify the condition to control the fan) (8)Establish a link with Arduino (9) Send Signal

    ↘ Rapid API


    I used styrofoam to prop the fan up so that it could look like a desktop device.

    3. Weekly Roundup

    Alumni Talk

    I attended the alumni talk by Yasser's atelier and was lucky to catch someone who's also tackling climate change. His project was about climate refugees specifically, and for his outcomes, he designed a branding identity for climate refugees, as well as worked together with an architecture student to design a floating habitat for them.