• Week 9
  • October 10'22

1. Class Consultation

Today we consulted with our lecturers in pairs. Comments on my outcomes, namely my CPJ and Catalogue of Making is outlined below.

Layout & Aesthetic

In general, Andreas' commented that the organization and structure of the CPJ could be improved. The current layout didn't feel comfortable to read through because it feels too compact at times, while other times the amount of white space overwhelms the text. Weekly progress in terms of research & experiments could also be better reflected in the journal. So far Andreas said he found our in-person consultations more useful to keep track of my progress. It was an eye-opener for me because I realized other lecturers, peers, and even future Aimee who would be looking at the journal will probably have a hard time making sense of the process because it tends to jump around between research, case study, reflection, ideas, class comments etc.

At this time my CPJ format was on google docs so some comments might not be applicable for the website, but they are still useful pointers to keep in mind. For my next steps I will aim to craft my journal properly so that the narratives flows from week to week. I will also use the next few weeks to explore better structures for my CPJ and fill in the gaps in the research process, and as a personal goal for my final CPJ, I aim to make it more personalized and fun :-)

2.1 Research Progress — Analysis

As an attempt to frame my research focus, I mapped out climate change projects I had collected on a matrix. The projects are mapped out according to their Message on the x-axis and Context on the y-axis.

Most of the projects were from an analysis study by Marta Ferreira et al. who looked at 40 HCI projects from the ACM Digital Library within the past decade (2009 - 2020). Other projects include research projects by individuals, groups or institutions.

↘Link to Miro Board

Personal Area of Interest

(2) Using Analogies / Metaphors

In general I found that I am more interested in projects that uses a conceptual approach, for example through the use of analogies and metaphors. Both are powerful tools that are able to instill familiarity into the unfamiliar.

(1) Microscale Approach

In my opinion, a microscale scope (personal, local, regional coverage) would allow the interaction or the message to have a stronger impact on its target audience because it is in the context of something so close to them.

(3) Personal / Places of Passage Context

Targetting individuals to persuade self-reflection, or in public spaces to encourage public discussion and collective-reflection. Will need to clarify the specificities soon.

2.3 Research Progress — Observations from My Neighbourhood

Survey, Flooding in Jakarta and personal experience in my neighbourhood.

Rising Walls. The first picture was taken in 2020 (who knew taking a picture of a cute stray dog would come useful) and the second picture was taken recently by my mom. She took the picture as she was driving by in her car and she noted how in the past, we could still see the sea from our car window but now it is covered by the wall.


How flood can personally effect each household? How to make Jakartans care about thier environment?

3. Reflection

As we're approaching week 10, the reality of how much time we have left until submission started to dawn on me. Imposter syndrome?

Where am I know? What's next? Was it smart to shift to website so last minute? Point 2) Research lacking a substantial reaason/aim? Point 3) Even though the closing deadline is scary, to me, ending up with a topic I'm not passionate with is even scarier.